Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day 1 Peru Saturday

The flights on Saturday went real well. We played Phase 10 on the way to Lima. We got to Lima around midnight. We were greeted very warmly at the airport. The families were anxiously awaiting our arrival. They were so gracious. They had a snack prepared for us at Miguel's house. One thing I had to get used to was that the water is shut off after 10pm. Then it's not turned back on until 6am. You have to pour water in the toilet and then it will drain.

I volunteered to stay at a different house. The main house had 4 families living in it already and they had 3 story bunks set up for us. The family slept on the roof so our group could sleep inside. So about 12 people stayed at Miguel's house, 2 at Arturro's and I stayed at Israel and (his mom) Francisca's. They let me have my own bedroom and bed. It was very nice. I visited with Israel and his friend a little. I remembered some Spanish and Israel knew a little English. Francisca was like a second mom to me. She's very kind and loving. I slept pretty well the first night. I woke up early though because I was so excited.

1 comment:

j said...

You had your own house AND your own bed????? I didn't realize that - luxury!!!